Appliance Direct Orlando - Front-Load Washers vs. Top-Load Washers

Appliance Direct

Top-Load Washers Vs. Front-Load Washers

89% of consumers say their clothes have an odor after they’ve left it in the washer. 83% of those rewash to remove the odor, and that costs money.

And rewashing doesn’t work. If it stinks, it’s a piece of junk! Don’t buy a piece of junk!

Freedom from “loadsitting.” You don’t have to be tied down to your washer.

If you have a good front loader, how long can you leave clothes in with no smell? All night long!

Lightweight loads dry overnight in washer! No dryer! These new Maytags eliminate the only problem with from load washers: sour smelling clothes.

Only Appliance Direct has front loads with the money back, no smell guarantee! What’s the number one complaint with the front loaders? Over 40% of ‘em stink! So you have to leave the door open.

Oooo… that’s high! That’s 46% more than a good top loader.

I’ve been here forever. My mom taught me.

You can put in straight bleach, but that eats up the gasket and the water pump. That ain’t good. So, you want out of front load funk? You got three choices?

#1 if you bought a front loader from us, we will give you six months worth of Whirlpool additives. They will make it a whole lot better.

#2 You can buy the only front loader that is guaranteed. I mean, money back guaranteed not to smell. It sanitizes better than a hospital. More quiet than a candle. Holds a king-sized comforter and all the bedding! Don’t put the mattress in! It spins so well, it saves 11.5% of your drying costs. That’s real money on the bill. And because of that spin, your dryer will last, on average, an extra 16.4 months. We’re shooting for over 13 years. And this has a steam! You don’t hear it. You don’t smell it because sour means bacteria. This washer stops bacteria with the door closed the natural way: clean, fresh air. That’s how nature does it, that’s how this does it, and it’s worked pretty good so far. Get out of the front load funk and enjoy your washer. Paying more for the front loader and not being happy is a wakkie nu nu! If your front load stinks, Appliance Direct will give you a trade-in on the new ones that don’t.

#3 you can call it a day and buy the super mondo top loader. It’s huge! Plus, automatic dispensers! And quit messing with it! You can put the comforter and bedding in this baby! And if your kids need a bath . . . I’m just kidding on the kids! Uses the same energy as a Duet. I’m not kidding.

Appliance Direct! I love laundry!


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